
Preschool Farewell

At the end of the summer we say farewell to many of our amazing little preschool friends as they head off to kindergarten! We have watched them grow, shine and discover and now they carry on, with firm foundations, into the 'big' world. We wish them all the best, as their journey of learning leads down a new path filled with even more fascinating experiences and adventurous explorations.
Kindergarten Here We Come!
Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Kindergarten, here we come!
We know we'll have lots of fun.
Lots of things to make and do.
Reading, writing, counting, too.
Kindergarten, here we come!
We know we'll have lots of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This kind of song is really fascinating. For sure kids will really enjoy this.
