
Fun Ocean Songs!

I know, I know! It's been a while since our last post! But here are some fantastically fun songs to share with your lil' ones while enjoying the summer and hopefully the ocean!

A Sailor Went To Sea
A Sailor went to sea, sea, sea.
To see what he could see, see, see.
But all that he could see, see, see.
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea
(Have your children repeat this getting faster and faster.)

Fish Story
One, two, three, four, five -
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten -
Then I let it go again.

Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right

Catch a Fish (Sung To: Row, Row, Row your boat)
Catch, catch, catch a fish,
Hook it on your line.
Reel it, reel it, reel it,
This one will be mine.

Five Little Fishes Swimming in the Sea
Five little fishes swimming in the sea
teasing Mr. shark you can't catch me
Along came Mr. shark (softly) as quiet as can be
He snapped a fish up right out of the sea.

Four little fishes swimming in the sea
teasing Mr. shark you can't catch me
Along came Mr. shark (softly) as quiet as can be
He snapped a fish up right out of the sea.

Three little fishes swimming in the sea
teasing Mr. shark you can't catch me
Along came Mr. shark (softly) as quiet as can be
He snapped a fish up right out of the sea.

Two little fishes swimming in the sea
teasing Mr. shark you can't catch me
Along came Mr. shark (softly) as quiet as can be
He snapped a fish up right out of the sea

One little fish swimming in the sea
teasing Mr. shark you can't catch me
Along came Mr. shark (softly) as quiet as can be
He snapped that fish up right out of the sea

Now there’s no little fishes swimming in the sea
No little fishes saying can’t catch me
Along comes Mr.Shark (softly) as quiet as can be
He spit those fish right back in the sea!

Fish in the Sea
The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim
swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim
The fish in the sea go swim, swim, swim
All through the Day

The lobsters in the sea go pinch, pinch, pinch
pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch
The lobsters in the sea go pinch, pinch, pinch
All through the Day

The octopus in the sea go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
The octopus in the sea go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
All through the Day

The crabs in the sea go click, click, click
click, click, click, click, click, click
The crabs in the sea go click, click, click
All through the Day

Other ocean creatures to try
The sea horse in the sea rocks back and forth...
The whale in the sea goes quirt squirt squirt...
The clam in the sea goes open and shut...
The crabs in the sea go click click click...
The jellyfish in the sea go "bloop bloop bloop"!
The Sharks in the sea go chomp, chomp, chomp…

Slippery Fish
Slippery fish, slippery fish
swimming in the water
A slippery fish, a slippery fish
gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a

Tuna fish, a tuna fish
swimming in the water
A tuna fish, a tuna fish
gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by an

Octopus, an octopus
swimming in the water
An octopus, an octopus
gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by a

Great White Shark, a great white shark swimming in the water
A great white shark, a great white shark
gulp, gulp, gulp
OH NO! He's been eaten by an

Enormous Whale, an enormous whale
Spouting in the water
Enormous Whale, enormous whale
Gulp, gulp, BURP!
Excuse ME!

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