
April Fools Day Fun!

April's Fools Day is April 1st! Do you have a sweet little prank to pull on unexpecting loved ones or friends? Personally, I have always been at the 'pranked upon' end of things, I'm hoping that this year, you know with a 4 year old and a 1 year old in the house, that I just might be able to be on the otherside this year and have a little fun :)

Here are some fun ways to celebrate April Fools Day with your family!

Oh, the giggles and the screams! What fun, ha, ha, ha! They will never see it coming!
We would love to hear in the comments section what you have done in the past to fool your family or what you are doing this year! Or what someone has done to you in the past! Are you seeking revenge this year?

Here's my best story: (funny now of course, not so much in the moment)

My sister, a travel agent, texts me that April morning in 2009.
Little does she know that I am in the emergency room at the hospital with a sick toddler (fever 104) and have been there since the wee hours of the morning waiting for tests and comforting an unwell baby. So, as you can imagine, I'm in no awareness of it being April Fools Day nor am I in any mood for a good joke.
So anyway, she texts and says that the airline that we are traveling to Hawaii on in 4 days, went bankrupt overnight and has since basically vanished. So, all of our flights are cancelled and we are out all the money for our tickets. But not to worry because she is going to try and find us new tickets on another flight, however we are looking at spending about another $1500.00.
Now, the story behind this is that this isn't just any trip to Hawaii, my sister is getting married there in a week!
So, already I'm panicking because I have a sick baby and don't know if we can even make the trip because of that, and now she's telling me we are out all of our money and will be spending another $1500.00 to see her get married!
So... as you can imagine, I lost my mind.
I phoned my parents, as they obviously must also be in hysterics about the bankrupt airline. After my long panic-stricken vent to them about what is happening, there is a pause.
'Well, um... hunny, I don't think your sister knew you were in the hospital with G.'
I'm thinking, What?! What does that have to do with anything?! She just told us we are out thousands of dollars and with no flights and we are supposed to leave in a few days to see her get married!
'Kel, what day is it today?'
What? I don't know, Wednesday? Thursday? I've been at the hospital since 3am I'm really not aware of the calendar at the moment, why?
'Well, I think your sister may have been playing a little April Fools prank on you.'
Oh, she did not!
Oh, she did.

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