
The Mommy Connection

Moms, this is for you! Do you have regular connections with other moms? It is so important!
I know, some of you are saying that you are just fine and you can do it on your own, and most days you absolutely can, but some days you can’t. Somedays you need to know that someone else out in this big world is feeling exactly the same as you are right now.

So,what do you do? You know, on the days when you can’t fathom having the energy to get dressed to go out for coffee, yet you would die of shame if someone saw the current condition of your house. The dishes in the sink, the piles of laundry, the scattered toys, the floor crumbs, it just goes on and on, I know.
You wish you could pick up the phone to bond with another mom but you know the moment you gently and quietly pick up the receiver, your children with their sonic ears, will be at your leg, pulling your pants half down and yelling the word you love most in the world, ‘mom’. They don’t know why they need your attention, they just know that you are on the phone so they need it, or they need to find the loudest toy and they just have to play with it. It’s their job, they do it well.
When we are trying to be all, do all and just scraping by with a little bit of sanity, we need each other. But how?
When our children are angels and we just can’t get enough of them, or when we just want to be in a land far, far away, we need each other. When you are smiling one moment and yelling the next. We need to know that we are not the only ones!
We need mom connections, moments to warm our heart, moments of laughter and tears, rants and raves, moments when we can say ‘YES! I’m not the only one!" You love your family, you love your children but there is something about a connection with someone who understands and can relate to your feelings as a mom, someone else who can reassure you and support you. No one, no matter how much you try to explain it, no one can really know how you feel, unless it’s another mom.
This is for the moms who feel they have it all together one day and then it all comes crashing down the next. For the times, when you are standing in line at Starbucks, after another night of no sleep, two kids huddles around your ankles ,they ask to take your order and you stare blankly at them, you have no idea where you are or what you are supposed to be doing in that moment. Am I the only one?
Motherhood... it’s the most precious, most exhausting, most emotional and incredible journey in life, and we can do it together... in our pajamas, unwashed hair and at anytime of the day or night. How?
Grab a cup of your favourite calming drink, snuggle up in a cozy chair, and check out some fantastic mommy blogs! This link is your connection to thousands of mommy blogs, pick and choose depending on your mood, your needs, your wants because right now it’s all about you! That’s right, you!
You will laugh, cry and know that... no, you are not the only one!

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